Jack currently lives in Los Angeles and is a director at Dreamworks Animation Television. His diverse skills allow for him to be an efficient supervisor, director, animator, and previz artist with a full knowledge of pipelines and tool writing, creating new tools for the animation and previz departments. While also being an artist that uses the tools, it allows him to fully understand the needs of the team and the task. Having worked on the production side and the client side he is able to merge the two and build strong lasting bonds between teams and connect global talent for a seamless production.
Jack is also a content producer, writing and directing shorts as well as pitching content for production. Part of his content production utilzies his professional illustration skills for such clients as Simon West Productions, eBay, Lehigh Direct, several wine labels and single album covers. He has written, illustrated and is currently producing 4 books:
"Captain and Crow's ABCs"
"Imp! The Story of an Underground Underdog"
"The Island and the Plough"
"The Daily Mobster: Most Wanted Vol. I"

Jack Kasprzak
Los Angeles, California